Nike Faux Fur Blanket
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Since the cold winter days are just around the corner and you should spend most of your time in your own four walls, Nike is now bringing us a Nike Faux Fur Blanket.
The extremely stylish blanket from Nike is made of the popular and soft fleece fabric. Wrap up in fleece anytime with the soft Nike Sportswear Blanket. It's made from the same soft fleece used in some jackets . The main focus on the cover is the extra large Swoosh sign in the white contrast color.
So that you can estimate how big the beautiful blanket is, we will of course tell you the dimensions. The warm blanket is 180cm long and 120cm wide. It's big enough to keep two people warm.
When can you purchase the Nike Faux Fur Blanket?
The Nike Fur Blanket will be available in the coming days. Unfortunately, an exact release date cannot be given at the moment, as it has only been listed in one shop so far. However, we assume that it will be available online in a few days.
UPDATE: The restock is now online at Nike! Just click on the link below and it will take you straight to the shop!
Where can I buy the Nike Faux Fur Blanket?
If you want to buy a Nike blanket, then you should definitely pay attention to the notifications in our app. We will of course let you know as soon as this blanket is available. Otherwise, be sure to keep an eye on the release overview.
A little tip: Simply set this release as a favorite in our app using the flame emoji and set your own notification via the bell so that you don't miss anything.
The blanket is currently only available in the Nike online shop . Whether it will be available in other stores is still unclear. If this is the case, we will of course link the respective shops to our overview.
Of course we wish you a lot of fun with this release!