adidas miZXFlux "Dead Stock" - latest pickup

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Last week I received my first miZXFlux, which I had the pleasure of designing during my visit to Berlin some time ago. Unfortunately, I haven't had time to take any pictures yet - my new job, the weather and a faulty cam somehow prevented me from doing so, but today I finally managed to do so, thanks to the bright sunshine here in beautiful Krefeld. I don't think I need to say much about the ZX Flux itself, because I've already here, here, and here enough about the sneaker of the year 2014.The photo print function, on the other hand, is something completely groundbreaking in the sneaker business and definitely deserves a lot of attention, as there has never been anything like it before.miZXFlux Photo App allows the user to design their own ZX Flux. You take a photo, open it with the app and off you go. The template for my ZX Flux (I'm really proud to own a Dead Stock ZX Flux by the way) was a normal shoe box on which I simply placed a few of my Dead Stock stickers. Very simple, and in my opinion, the result is quite impressive - if you want to design your own 1 of 1 miZXFlux, you can find the app in the adidas online store. Just click here, download the app and get started! Believe me, you will have a lot of fun and, above all, a completely different view of your surroundings. If any of you are particularly "proud" of one of your own designs, please feel free to send it to me by email or Facebook. I'm sure you all have some really cool and unusual designs at the start, and I'd love to post them on my fan page. So, don't be shy and send me your stuff, I'm really excited!

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