The first adidas Yeezy fakes are on their way
It was only a matter of time before the first adidas Yeezy fakes hit the black market. But I really didn't expect it to happen so quickly. It's probably due to the relatively high retail price, where all the copycats in the world are already starting to smell the bills, but unfortunately I don't have my own adidas Yeezy to compare whether the following photos come close to the original or not. But I'm sure that one of my users has grabbed one and can enlighten us, so are these "good fakes" or not, I'm really interested, even if you can't talk about good or bad in this context. Fake is and remains fake, there is nothing to shake about it and I condemn the producers and buyers of this type of product in the worst possible way.would you wear such a piece? I hope not...
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