43einhalb "GMYTWN - Don't mess with Hessen" Collection - Online now

  • 43einhalb "GMYTWN - Don't mess with Hessen" Collection - Online now

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvoUO-4s23k43einhalb launches the first sausage fashion collection. Two hoodies and fleiiiisch in the form of Schwartemagen :D Fancy packaging design included. "We often call our hometown of Fulda "Gummytown" as a matter of course and have always failed to explain to non-Rhöners where this name even comes from," says 43einhalb "In 1900, Gustav Becker and Moritz Hasenclever laid the foundation stone for "Gummytown" when they founded the rubber works in Fulda and started a world-leading tire production - watch out! Reminds us a little of RUN DMC?! That's exactly what inspired us ;) "Breakdancing came to an end shortly afterwards, but the love for hop-hop remains to this day. One of them was particularly taken with Run-D.M.C. - let's call him Mischa for this story. "The krush groovin, the body-movin, the record makin and the record breakin" hip-hop combo shaped his youth, his taste in music and can still be found in his favorite music lists today.""With a certain touch of old-school flair and a good dose of hip-hop history, we now present you our new "Gummytown" collection. And because people need to eat and we just can't get enough of it, every hoodie comes with a can of our own 43einhalb "GMYTWN" swaddled stomach! Enjoy it & don't mess with Hessen!"The whole thing is online now! And as a native Hessian, I can repeat once again: Don't mess with Hessen! Because we've got it :P haha

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